Emergency Planning
DSI’s professional planning team has the qualifications and experience to develop and update all Emergency Management & Homeland Security-related plans. DSI has worked with Federal, State, Regional, County, Municipal, and Private Non-Profit agencies to develop a wide array of preparedness plans.
Browse our current offerings below or contact DSI today to discuss your specific emergency planning needs.
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP)
DSI has developed and updated CEMPs for dozens of clients. We have two options for plan development. The first option available is a web based plan developed by DSI and BOLD Planning Solutions. Users of this e-plan option can update their CEMP from any internet location around the world at any time. The plan template allows for complete jurisdictional individualization. In Florida, the end product will meet the Florida Division of Emergency Management's review and approval criteria, and we have found that such is the case in almost every state that we serve.
The second option is a traditional approach to CEMP development. At this point, most jurisdictions have an existing CEMP that needs to be updated. DSI can review and analyze your existing plan and provide any necessary updates or revisions to ensure NIMS compliance. This option allows our clients to maintain their current format if that is desired.
Debris Management Plans
In the recovery phase of a disaster, debris management will be one of the most costly, most difficult, and most open to scrutiny issues that a jurisdiction will face. The federal rules guiding the eligibility for debris management are voluminous, complicated, and open to interpretation. To help simplify this program, DSI develops Debris Management Plans for jurisdictions who may one day face the daunting task of cleaning up after a disaster. Each of DSI’s Debris Management Plans have been approved by FEMA and contains the key elements needed to ensure all debris removal is completed. It also ensures that the maximum amount of reimbursable funds are made available to every applicant.
Recovery/Long Term Recovery Plans
A Long Term Recovery Plan developed by DSI will:
Identify the process your jurisdiction will take in the event a long term recovery plan is needed after a major or catastrophic event impacting the jurisdiction.
Identify the process of determining when it is appropriate for your jurisdiction to undertake the development of a long term recovery plan.
Identify the steps to take when preparing a long term recovery plan for your jurisdiction based on the disaster event.
Describe agency and public involvement in the long term recovery planning process, which will include, at a minimum County and municipal officials, business owners, residents, and other interested stakeholders.
Identify mechanisms to leverage existing program funds or seek new supplemental funds that may be made available.
Incorporate the functionality of the National Response Framework, ESF 14 - Long Term Community Recovery, and Mitigation Annex.